Hi everyone, here we are like those other weeks to explain what we are doing in our daily classes and in the challenge we are working on. Before talking about this, we´ve to say that we continue waiting the marks of the exams from the past friday, so please correct our exams as soon as possible please.
Okey, after telling this, we continue with the programmation and the movements the robot has to make, here is Paul working hard to complete it. Also, Mou and Wilson today, eleventh of november, they finished with the programation of the camera and last but not least, Xabilo and Joseba are working on the exercises we have to present when we finish the challenge.
Talking about the challenge we are attempting to work in a different dynamic. We are trying to learn in a different way, for example, us I set before, Paul is working on the programation and the moves of the robot so when he has a moment he try to explain to all the members of the group because in the exman we have to know about all the things we are learning.

And finally, in english asignature we continue making different exercises like readings and improving and spreading our vocabulary to speak better. Talking about improving our english, Richard told us about a new work which consist on making an oral presentation. He explain the subject we have to choose to make the presentation and all of the options had in common the robots aspect. So this is all and as always we hope you continue reading us and enjoying with the things we are making.