On one hand, our group, Automatikoak, we where in Amorebieta to present an idea because in business matter we make a great work for a contest and they select us to go and make a presentation. It was a good presentation and we get the second place so they grant us 500€.
Our idea consist on changing the filaments of the 3D printer with recycled plastic and with this reduce the contamination that the plastic create. The idea that wins was making some icecreams with the leftover of the cheese and the name of this project was Hëlate.

On the other hand, in english asignature we did a exam which consist on doing a letter and we were the sellers of a piece of a robot that Maristak need so we had to question about the interest of headmaster and try to sell him all possible pieces. The second part of the exam was a writing. We wrote about the teamwork and the metodology we are using during this two years. We think that all of us approve the exam less Wilson, but he has difficulties because in Bolivia he hasn´t learn this language. Now we have to wait until Richard give us exams so from here we wish all of student of second A.R.I. good luck.
Getting back to the things we wrote before, each one of the group are making something diferent in the challenge and then we will put all the information we compile in common for that learn about each one. This could be also the part of the second writing, but we aren´t speaking about that now. And last but not least, we continue making de RA´s of moodle to get better our marks because when we go to work the mark would be an important part to they contract us. So this is all thanks for being withs us another week more and lets get this curse good.