On the other hand, in english asignature we´ve being working on how to make a good letter and we did some exercises of reading also. After that, Richard told us to mame a letter with the tips we where learning with the activities we´ve done before.
And last but not least, we finished the challenge on monday, so today, wednesday the teachers, Jon and Javi, told us abaut the new challenge. But this it can´t be posible to finish in the day that is decided because a strike of one monthe had been called and if this afects to Maristak making the challenge is going to be imposible.
And last but not least, we finished the challenge on monday, so today, wednesday the teachers, Jon and Javi, told us abaut the new challenge. But this it can´t be posible to finish in the day that is decided because a strike of one monthe had been called and if this afects to Maristak making the challenge is going to be imposible.